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Our gifts for Mission & Service help make summer
bearable for those living in poverty.

Summer can be a wonderful time of year filled with holidays and meals on the patio, but please remember that summer is no vacation for those living in poverty. 

Children who rely on hot breakfast and lunch programs through schools are faced with two months of poor nutrition. Families with tight budgets are forced to find money for summer child care, or often take unpaid time off from work to stay home to look after little ones. This leaves precious little left over in terms of money and energy. 

Those who live outdoors or are between homes seem less visible in the summer. Because the weather is above freezing, people think that shelter is not needed. We forget about the need for showers, storage, and safety that a home provides. We forget about sunburns, bug bites, and unbearable heat radiating from city sidewalks.

So while we are out and enjoying a great summer, let’s take a moment to remember those for whom summer is not a vacation. Together we can make sure summer is fun (or at least bearable) for everyone. We give thanks for places like West Broadway Outreach Ministry in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba, that provide much-needed support throughout the summer. 

Your gifts for Mission & Service make this possible. Thank you!

If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.