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Our gifts for Mission & Service support partners
around the globe who work to help displaced people.

Migration touches all corners of the globe. Some people choose to move in search of jobs, opportunity, or education. Others are forced from their homes by conflict, poverty, inequality, and a lack of sustainable livelihoods. The United Nations reported 258 million migrants in 2017.

The safeguards and protections we afford refugees, migrants, and displaced peoples speak to the foundation of human rights. The strangers among us are God’s people in need of our hospitality and mercy as much as our advocacy for the justice they seek and human rights they deserve.

Many migrants are victimized by the conditions of forced migration, including human trafficking in all its forms (labour, drugs, human organs, sex, baby-selling, and mail-order brides). Migration today cannot be isolated from concerns for working conditions. Living wages and a safe, secure working environment are denied to many. These rights must be protected.

Migrants are not stereotypes. Their value can not be measured by the documents they may or may not have, or their financial contributions to national economies. One migrant leader has said, “Do not talk about us without us. We have answers, and we have been voicing them.”

Mission & Service partners around the globe—including the National Council of Churches of Kenya, Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola, United Church of Zambia, Church of North India, Methodist Church in Colombia, and Middle East Council of Churches—are working tirelessly to help displaced peoples fleeing violence, political conflict, and persecution as migrants organize to make their dreams come true.

If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.