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Our gifts for Mission & Service support candidates
as they prepare for ministry.

Supervised ministry education is an intentional learning experience that enables people preparing for ministry to deepen their pastoral identity, reflect theologically, and enhance their ministry skills. Mission & Service supports supervised ministry education by providing a grant to a learning site, like a congregation, for an eight-month placement.

The Rev. Maya Braithwaite recently completed a placement at Bloor Street United Church in Toronto, Ontario. One of her goals was learning about social justice in a congregational context.

“Ministry is about relationships. For me, it’s about collaborating with others and harnessing the creativity that God has gifted us, while letting it go and flow throughout the church. While at Bloor Street, I had the opportunity to share in the healing work of storytelling that is often involved in social justice work. I experienced what an Affirming church looks like and what an Affirming church does in its day-to-day functions and in worship. I learned about protocol as we welcomed and began the work of supporting a Syrian refugee family. I learned about conflict transformation as we grappled with ways of responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations. I also shared my love for contemplative prayer and a variety of spiritual practices. We danced, journalled, meditated, and the children and I started learning about Godly Play…together.”

Your gifts to Mission & Service help support candidates as they prepare for ministry and are equipped for leadership in our church.

If Mission & Service giving is already a regular part of your life, thank you so much! If you have not given, please join us in making Mission & Service giving a regular part of your life of faith. Loving our neighbour is at the heart of our Mission & Service.