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What is Messy Church?

Messy Church is church that is fun! It celebrates faith with creativity and hospitality!

It is Biblically based!

It is for everyone — all generations eating, celebrating, and learning together!

It is a growing international community filled with enthusiasm and ideas to share Good News.

All are welcome!

More information from Messy Church Canada:



5:00 Welcome and registration

5:30 Meal – Tacos! (vegetarian and dairy & gluten free options available)

6:15 Celebration (Worship for all ages)

6:30 Activity Time (crafts and other activities to help us learn more about the theme – suitable for families and individuals of all ages)

There is something for everyone:

- making cookies and other treats to take home and give to loved ones

- card-making (kid-friendly and advanced) and other crafts and creative activities

- colouring and word puzzles (kid-friendly and advanced)

- quiet reflective activities

- active games 

Messy Church is church, so although offerings are gladly received, there is no fee or requirement to give in order to attend! 


Our Theme: All You Need is Love

In Matthew 22:35-40, Jesus is asked: “What is The Greatest Commandment?”

He answers: “Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and love your neighbour as yourself.

In this month when many people celebrate LOVE, we will celebrate and explore these   words of Jesus. How do we show God love? What does it mean to love our neighbour as ourselves? How can we appreciate the people we love?